Delicious Chicken Manchurian Pakistani Food Recipe
Hello everyone! Today’s I am going to making a very tasty and very Delicious Chicken Manchurian Pakistani Food Recipe at home. I am showing step by step instructions and also added some cooking pictures. You can see these pictures and make them easily at home. I am also showing some good benefits to eating chicken.
Some Incredible Benefits Of Eating Chicken:
Here, I am telling some good and incredible benefits of chicken and these benefits are given below:
- Plenty of phosphorus
- Boost metabolism
- Natural anti-depressant
- Promotes eye health
- Prevents bone loss
- Chicken breast helps to weight loss
- Chicken is rich in low-fat protein which contributes to muscle growth and development.
- The protein also helps support healthy body weight and aids weight loss.
- The chicken breast is a very good part of the chicken.
- Chicken breast is very healthy as compared to chicken with bones.
- Chicken breast is good food for diet routine.
- it helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
- It contains vitamin B6 and vitamin B.
- Rich in protein
- Good for the heart
- These vitamins help to blood vessels healthy, energy levels high, and metabolism burning away calories so you can manage the healthy weight
How To Make Delicious Chicken Manchurian Pakistani Food Recipe Step By Step Instructions With Some Pictures:
I am super excited to share this delicious recipe with you as this recipe is my favorite. My other family members also praise Chicken Manchurian especially when I made it, so consider it the secret recipe that I am about to share with the World. To me, cooking is an art, and artistic eyes see things in a different way. Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art. Now, let’s begin with our Chicken Manchurian recipe.
Delicious Chicken Manchurian Pakistani Food Recipe
- Ingredients For Chicken:
- Chicken Boneless
- Chili Sauce
- White Vinegar
- Soya Sauce
- Corn Flour
- Salt
- Black Pepper Powder
- Egg
- Ingredients For Gravy:
- Tomato Ketchup
- Salt
- Red Chili Powder
- Black Pepper Powder
- Sugar
- Chinese Salt
- Chili Sauce
- White Vinegar
- Soya Sauce
- Onion Slices
- Capsicum Slices
- Garlic Paste
- Take a large mixing bowl & add all ingredients of chicken and mix it very well
- After mixing, marinate this chicken for 30 minutes in the fridge
- After 30 minutes later, take a frying pan & add olive oil
- Heat it on the high flame
- Now fry the chicken pieces and dish out fried chicken and set aside
- Take a pot and add olive oil and heat it
- Add one tbsp of garlic paste and fry it
- Then add two cups of tomato ketchup & whisk it
- Add spices like salt, red chili powder, sugar, chili sauce, vinegar, soya sauce, and Chinese salt
- Whisk well
- Now, add one glass of water and bring to boil it
- After boiling, turn flame on the medium heat
- Add fried chicken, onion slices, and capsicum slice and cook for 15 minutes
- After 15 minutes, dish out the recipe and serve with fried rice
- Enjoy with your family and friends.
Nice recipe